In the Beginning...
... there was void and darkness...
Ok, not really, but it sure sounded cool as a beginning line don't you think?! (Hey man, it worked for the Bible!!)
so... we've quit our jobs, we're getting rid of all our stuff, we're going to India...
For those of you who are still catching up... let's back up a bit.
Horse... that's me... Heather... it's my Chinese Astrological sign.
Dog... that's Brad... his Chinese Astrological sign.
It's an inside joke... just go with it.
Those of you who know me will agree that at some point or another, most of you have considered me pretty much off my rocker, totally bonkers, "she's just gone", "what colour is the sky in her world anyway" . Well, I'm Ok with that since to the insane the sane are insane.... and vice versa!! BTW... this is Heather talking here.
Namaste this is Brad yes I'm taking yet another left turn, actually my third so does that mean I'm back where I started - well yes I'm 18 again! For my old friends they'll remember when I announced I quit work and was going back to Univerity at 31! To study Political Science and Women's Studies - what the heck! You're nuts! Skip forward 16 years, after 11 great years working with YMCA it is time to explore the undiscoverd country. Back to Heather:
It all began innocently enough - I've never loved my job. In fact, at some levels, I really, really, really didn't like it! (I don't want to use hate. Hate is such a strong word... let's erase it from the dictionary!)
What did I want? Something life affirming, to live the way most only dream of (and I'm not talking about winning the 649 either).
I admit that some of it is a bit romantic sounding... to live fearlessly, to live my passion, to follow my heart's calling, and in the end just to do what I was really meant to do. I simply refuse to reach the end of my life and realize that I sat on the sidelines and let my fear keep me from my dreams. I won't know how far I can go if I don't try.
I know many of you worry (a lot).
Do you remember the story of the Ant and the Grasshopper? Yes, I've always been the grasshopper, but I'm hoping that over the years I've managed to learn some lessons from the Ant and, as Brad put it, morphed into the "Anthopper". Living life to its fullest but still recognizing the need to make sure I can have food and shelter when it gets cold outside.
I read a quote recently from William Barclay:
"There are two great days in a person's life - the day we were born and the day we discover why."
Yoga opened one door for me. It allowed me to listen to all the messages that I was sending myself and I stepped off the relative security and anonimity of my mat and started to teach. The first day I taught a class I realized that this was what I wanted to do. It just felt right. (Thank you Keri - love you!)
Now, I've obtained my ESL certificate and want to stretch out those underutilized teaching muscles. Like in Yoga, go to the mat, start with where you are each day and work from there.
Combine with that my unending dream of travel and far away places. (Cue Sonny's Dream!)
What better way to live my dream than to combine teaching and travelling!?!
I had my decision... I was taking the leap off the cliff. And a partner to jump with would be fun.
Okay now for the Romance, Brad here again "So you ask how did you two meet?" We met the old fashion way, doing something we both love to do - at Yoga Teacher Training. No web dating, no speed dating, no set-ups just two people who's eye's met and someing goes "click." After may afternoon coffees, walks in the park, long into the night phone calls our spirits had bonded.
Then, as it unfolded, as the universe moved the pieces into place the door opened and all we had to do was to step through. In fact, it was a huge door... barn door... if you'd missed it you really couldn't have any excuse!
The left turn, jump off the treadmill, get out of the rat race, take control of you life, do what your heart calls you to do is beginning!
Oh ya... This is us leaving the Port of Vancouver going on an Alaskan cruise (how cool is that!!)
That's Jillian on the left and Melissa on the right (Hi guys!!)

Our flights are booked for stage 1... For those keeping track...
Departing October 16, 2005 on Alitalia flight AZ0653 bound for Delhi via Milan. From Milan we'll be on flight AZ0772. No stopover unfortunately... maybe next time!
Returning Alitalia AZ0773 to Milan and AZ0652 to Toronto on December 19, 2005.
So I guess Heather will be celebrating the big 3-9 overseas ... no gifts... just send money! :)
We will be camped out in a variety of places once we get to India (Rishikesh, Hardiwar, Varinasi (Where the Boddha Tree is) ... who knows... maybe Nepal or Tibet depending on the political scene). You'll just have to log in to see where we are and what adventures we've been having!!
I love you all very much and will see you again soon.... H and B xox