The Wild and Wonderful Adventures of Horse and Dog

Wanna go on an adventure? We're turning left and jumping off the treadmill. Let's see where we are today....

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Catching up....

Some people commented that there was only one post... they wanted updates (even though we hadn't left yet!)

So... backtracking a bit...

One month to go.... "We need how many shots!!"
New Rule : Neither of us are allowed to go to the adventure store alone!

One week to go... Packing...

Picture me (Heather) sitting in the middle of the living room feeling completely overwhelmed. How the hell was all this stuff ever even have the remotest possibilty of fitting into two 70 litre packs? Are we nuts? (Don't answer that!)
I was freaking out.
How many pairs of underwear do you need for two months?
It might snow in the mountains but its going to be 30 degrees in Delhi.
How small can you compress a fleece sleeping bag liner?
Packing, repacking, adding, subtracting...
The biggest question - If it does fit... can we carry it????

T minus 1 day and counting... the night before we leave.

So the bags seem to be packed, go through the final checklist(s), last minute racing around, get copies, drive to Belleville to meet Shelley and hand off the kittens, dinner at the Lai Lai with the Y "International Food Group" to say a final goodbye to us and to Dustin (crazy ass took a "tough" job at the Club Med in Punta Cana and was also leaving the next day).

We were so well prepared. We had lists and we had plenty of time. Then why were we up until after 2 am the night before we left? OK - so it takes longer to load an MP3 player with the music you want to carry around with you for two months than you ever plan for. Two am? That's ok - we can sleep in. Blaine's not arriving until noon to shuttle us to the airport.

A glass of champagne and off to bed.


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