Happy Birthday!!
We found out that the group that had gone out on the walk got to see some hippos frolicking about but that was about it. Steph had stayed behind from the walk and had whipped up some super delicious fruit pancakes. Yum and thank goodness! I was getting a bit tired of cereal and white bread with medium fat spread. After everyone had eaten, cleaned up, packed up and loaded the makoros we were heading back to the poling station.
The days always seem to start with very pleasant weather, by noon you head into unbearable heat and then when the sun goes down it drops back into the pleasant zone. It can even get what you might consider chilly – usually around 3 am. Crazy place.
As we pole along, it is getting warm. Sabrina and Anna are learning tswana from their poler. I’m not sure if he’s teaching them dirty words or if its their accent that is making our poler, Lee, laugh so much.
Back at the depot and the same frenzy seemed to still be operating. The boats were unloaded and the truck loaded up with all our gear. Our driver had arrived with a cooler of beer, coke and water. It’s only 10:30 am but we’re pretty sure it’s afternoon somewhere.
Everything that was taken into the delta has to be washed and sanitized. This is to take all the dust and dirt off as well as to make sure that no one gets sick. Once that is done we, you guessed it, head to the bar and swimming pool. Lunch was the usual luncheon meat, cheese, tomato and cucumber sandwiches. I can’t take it anymore… we eat fries and samosas in the bar. Everyone (except us) is taking the delta flight. We decided that we’d hang out and relax as well as save some dough. The flight takes you in a small five seater plane to look for animals in the delta.
We drove into town with the group a bit early to hit the internet, exchange dollars and pick up supplies. We stopped at Nando’s for a yummy chicken burger but didn’t manage to get enough time to get on the internet. We figured we’d do it later when the others were on their flight.
Back on the truck and a quick drive to the airport. We went to the upper lounge to watch them take off in their wee little planes. We headed across the street to find and internet café but it was closed! Tony was gone with Shangani to get something welded and the others won’t be back from their flight for an hour. No options, we head to the bar.