The Wild and Wonderful Adventures of Horse and Dog

Wanna go on an adventure? We're turning left and jumping off the treadmill. Let's see where we are today....

Saturday, November 05, 2005

The Sounds of Silence...... (Oct 23)

Instead of roosters crowing as our wake up call, we had crows cawing in the morning.
We were lounging, not really wanting to climb out of our nice warm sleeping bags. The sun had not yet reached our plateau so there was still a chill in the air. When the hot tea arrived outside our tent at 7:30, that convinced us to emerge.
There was still frost on the grass and it was so quiet here that we could hear the sound of the birds wings flapping as they passed overhead, bees buzzing in the flowers, sheep grazing as they passed, dogs barking, lizards... well, lizarding. OK - so it's not quiet exactly, but the sounds sure are different from the city!

Some of the lizards here are quite large. I was also commenting to Brad on how big some of the bugs were that were lazily perusing the flower assortment when I realized one of them wasn't a bug... it was a teeny hummingbird! I wasn't fast enough to get a photo (too bad).

We could have gone on a short hike with Keshau today but we opted just to hang around and do nothing except contemplate our navels.

Another strange observation - why do we sometimes have so much trouble getting a cell signal in some parts of Toronto and Kitchener yet these guys have no trouble getting calls on the top of a mountain in the middle of no where??

The school kids arrived around 4:30 or 5:00. Twenty five Chinese and Korean students between the ages of 14 and 16 plus two Australian teachers and Kuku. Twenty five teenagers!?! Yes... it was chaos.

We worked the dinner assembly line to get everyone fed and then sat in on the details of the next couple of days. Tomorrow we will be doing a short hike to train the kids a bit and see what some of the strengths and weaknesses are. Early start tomorrow so ... as usual... bed!


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