Walking on Sunshine (Nov 4)
We got up this morning and enjoyed some juice and fresh bread we'd bought in a bakery the night before. Manali has some awesome little bakeries, our favourite is the Super Bake. It has some most excellent cookies - the chocolate chip are especially addictive.
We checked out after breakfast and moved up the road to Sunshine. The veranda will be great for sitting in the sun and relaxing. After dumping our stuff of we headed back into town to try the internet again - we've go alot of catching up to do!

While I was madly typing, Brad called Achariya to arrange to meet for lunch the next day. We hadn't seen him since we'd left the first campsite on Oct 25th.
Not much else of note really happened today. We ate, blogged, wandered, ate and basically just chilled out. We got back to Sunshine after dark. We wanted some wood for the fireplace to take the chill out of the air but they couldn't get us any after dark (no lights in the barn). We had to suffer. We snuggled under some super heavy blankets and went to sleep. (The blankets were so heavy in fact it was hard to roll over!)
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